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Local Resources


Emergency Services 
Telephone Numbers

To Report a Fire: 911

To Report a Crime: 911

Dover Police 24 hour line: 802-464-2020

Vermont State Police: 802-254-2382

Town Services

Animal Control: 464-7400

       (or contact Dover Police)

Assessor/Appraiser: 464-5100 x5

Child care: Kids in the Country: 348-7476

Delinquent Tax Collector: 464-5100 x6

Economic Dev Director: 464-5100 x4

Economic Dev Asst. Director: 464-5100 x 118 

Elementary School: 464-5386

Firehouse East Dover: 348-6600

Firehouse West Dover: 464-8227

Health and Sewage: 464-5100 x7

Highway Department: 464-2000 x3

Library: 348-7488

North Branch Fire Dist.#1 (Sewer Dist): 464-8415

Poison Control: 802-658-3456

Police: 464-8722

Post Office East: 348-6604

Post Office West: 464-8677

Town Clerk: 464-5100 x2

Assistant Town Clerk/Office Manager: 464-5100 x3

Treasurer & Bookkeeper & Tax Collector: 464-5100 x6

Web Coordinator: 464-5100 x3

Zoning & Sign: 464-5100 x7    


VT Agency of Natural Resources

Do you need a state permit?  The Permit Handbook is a reference book that explains most of the state permit programs; with summaries of permits, required fees, and contact persons within specific programs.  Click on the above link to find the answers to your questions about the permitting process in Vermont.

Chamber of Commerce

Find out all the events happening in our area by going to the Southern Vermont Deerfield Valley Chamber of Commerce website.  They have package deals for most of the lodges and inns.


For additional Deerfield Valley information,

call 802-464-8092


Deerfield Valley Food Pantry

If you or anyone you know is need of assistance with food, please reach out to the Deerfield Valley Pantry for guidance and help. Located in Wilmington, you can find more information on Food Pantry on their website.

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